大數據分析與智慧計算實驗室 Big Data Analytics & Intelligent Computing 本實驗室致力於半導體、面板、電子元件、 ICT 產業、智能製造中先進製程良率提升與品質改善、錯誤偵測、機台健康管理、批次控制、虛擬量測、預測保養、瑕疵檢測與診斷等研究領域。藉由開發機器學習、深度學習、機器視覺等技術以落實智慧製造及人工智慧技術落地,其最終目的在於工業 4.0 之實踐。 The research areas of LAB 429 focuses on state-of-the-art methodological developments of big data analytics and machine/deep learning approaches in advanced process control (APC). A wide range of applications include semiconductor front-end-of-line (FEOL) and back-end-of-line processes, TFT-LCD production, electronics manufacturing, and ICT-related processing steps. The current research topics contain fault detection and classification (FDC), fault diagnostic, intelligent R2R control, virtual metrology (VM), prognostics and health management (PHM), predictive maintenance (PdM), yield prediction (YP) and self-assured semi- and un-supervised learning methodologies. With the preceding technological accomplishments, s...